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Villon - Agent Based Generic simulation Model of Transportation Logistic Terminals
Autoři: Adamko Norbet | Klima Valent | Kavička Antonín
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: ESM 2007
Název nakladatele: EUROSIS-ETI
Místo vydání: Ghent
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Villon - agent based generic simulation model of transportation logistic terminals The paper deals with the modelling of transportation logistic terminals operation (e.g. marshalling yards, factories, train care centres, airports, etc.) utilizing generic simulation tool Villon, which was developed using agent based simulation architecture ABAsim. Villon is complete simulation tool providing support for creation, configuration, experimentation and results evaluation tasks connected with simulation modelling of transportation terminals. Villon?s unique features like its flexibility, detailed microscopic modelling of operation of various types of terminals, flowchart driven definition of operational procedures, user interaction, selection of decision strategies, 3D animation output as well as its agent structure and model creation process are explained. Project references and problems that can be addressed using presented simulation tool are also mentioned. simulace, dopravní terminál
eng Villon - Agent Based Generic simulation Model of Transportation Logistic Terminals The paper deals with the modelling of transportation logistic terminals operation (e.g. marshalling yards, factories, train care centres, airports, etc.) utilizing generic simulation tool Villon, which was developed using agent based simulation architecture ABAsim. Villon is complete simulation tool providing support for creation, configuration, experimentation and results evaluation tasks connected with simulation modelling of transportation terminals. Villon?s unique features like its flexibility, detailed microscopic modelling of operation of various types of terminals, flowchart driven definition of operational procedures, user interaction, selection of decision strategies, 3D animation output as well as its agent structure and model creation process are explained. Project references and problems that can be addressed using presented simulation tool are also mentioned. simulation, transportation terminal