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Fuzzy Control of Neutralization Processes
Autoři: Krejčí Stanislav | Kašpar Jiří
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Optimal Control of Processes based on the Use of Informatics Methods
Název nakladatele: Faculty of manufacturing technologies of TU Košice
Místo vydání: Prešov, Slovenská republika
Strana od-do: 271-281
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Fuzzy řízení neutralizačního procesu Článek je věnován fuzzy řízení procesu neutralizace. Je uveden matematický model procesu neutralizace a návrh řízení a fuzzy regulátoru. neutralization, process control, control strategies, fuzzy controller
eng Fuzzy Control of Neutralization Processes The control of pH processes is exceedingly important in wide area of production branches-chemistry, biochemistry, agriculture, food industry, environmental and pollution control etc. The most common pH process is the neutralization of an acidic or alkaline waste stream. The objective of most industrial operations is to maintain pH in a process within a specific range around the neutralization point. The control of pH may be rather difficult in some cases because of its inherent logarithmic nature as reflected in the titration curve of the process stream, with extreme sensitivity around neutrality where the process gain variation can be over several orders of magnitude. There are also other complications associated with every specific system due to variable buffering capacity of the system, and the nonstationary and unknown characteristics of the solution composition. The control of the pH processes is usually based on some algorithms that are designed to deal with these problems i.e. to supress the influence of time varying characteristics and the severe nonlinearity of pH processes. The pH control system under consideration consists of a stirred tank reactor with a process stream flowing into it. The process stream is to be neutralized by manipulating the flow rate a titrating stream. neutralization, process control, control strategies, fuzzy controller