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Problems in pH Control
Autoři: Krejčí Stanislav | Kašpar Jiří
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference SSCHE
Název nakladatele: Slovak Technical University Bratislava
Místo vydání: Bratislava
Strana od-do: P028 1-5
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Problémy při řízení pH Industrial manufacturing processes often present many challenging control problems. Among common process characteristics that can cause control difficulties can be listed : - nonlinear dynamic behaviour - multivariable interactions between manipulated and controlled variables - unmeasured state variables - unmeasured and frequent disturbancies - uncertain and time-varying parameters - constraints on manipulated and state variables - deadtimes on inputs and measurements - model uncertainty Neutralization, or generally pH process, belongs to commonly used chemical operations, that exhibits many of the mentioned difficulties. The problems in pH control are caused mainly by two kinds of disturbances - flow rate changes and composition changes. Neutralization, process control, control strategies
eng Problems in pH Control Industrial manufacturing processes often present many challenging control problems. Among common process characteristics that can cause control difficulties can be listed : - nonlinear dynamic behaviour - multivariable interactions between manipulated and controlled variables - unmeasured state variables - unmeasured and frequent disturbancies - uncertain and time-varying parameters - constraints on manipulated and state variables - deadtimes on inputs and measurements - model uncertainty Neutralization, or generally pH process, belongs to commonly used chemical operations, that exhibits many of the mentioned difficulties. The problems in pH control are caused mainly by two kinds of disturbances - flow rate changes and composition changes. Neutralization, process control, control strategies