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Simulation Model of Logistic Node and its Multipurpose Utilisation
Autoři: Kavička Antonín | Klima Valent | Adamko Norbert
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Modelling and Simulation of Systems MOSIS 04
Název nakladatele: MARQ
Místo vydání: Ostrava
Strana od-do: 65-72
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Simulační model logistického uzlu a jeho víceúčelové použití on-line simulace, operativní řízení, operativní plánování
eng Simulation Model of Logistic Node and its Multipurpose Utilisation The utilisation of simulation models is not constrained to the examination and optimisation of a railway system?s operation. A well-designed and well-implemented simulation tool should permit the construction of models which could also be used for other purposes. The main areas of alternative use of simulation tools, and models created by these tools, are: support for dispatchers? decisions in a real operation, for the training of dispatchers and for education. This paper deals with the analysis of characteristics that simulation tools and models require for their application for the above-mentioned purposes. Further, this paper discusses the concept of a simulation tool that will allow for the construction and development of simulation models which will integrate support for the re/design of a railway system, its management and also the training of dispatchers. on-line simulation, operative control, operational planning