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Contribution to the Disturbance Supression for Systems with Time-delay and Inverse Transfer Function
Autoři: Kašpar Jiří | Krejčí Stanislav | Taufer Ivan
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of 30th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering
Název nakladatele: STU
Místo vydání: Bratislava 2003
Strana od-do: 132-135
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze CONTRIBUTION TO THE DISTURBANCE SUPPRESSION FOR SYSTEMS WITH TIME-DELAY AND INVERSE TRANSFER FUNCTION A new control system for dead time systems togeher with inverse transfer function has been proposed. The proposed control system does not use any compensation part in feedback loop, but an advanced control techniques with one or two controllers. The control system can be used above all for disturbance suppression. In case of set point changes there are not important improvements. dopravní zpoždění, inverzní přechodová charakteristika, rozvětvený regulační obvod
eng Contribution to the Disturbance Supression for Systems with Time-delay and Inverse Transfer Function A new control system for dead time systems togeher with inverse transfer function has been proposed. The proposed control system does not use any compensation part in feedback loop, but an advanced control techniques with one or two controllers. The control system can be used above all for disturbance suppression. In case of set point changes there are not important improvements. time delay, inverse transfer function, advanced control techniques