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Hybridní virtualizované testování pro certifikaci EGNSS k určování polohy železničních vlaků (VICE4RAIL)

Poskytovatel: Evropská unie
Program: HE - Kolaborativní projekty
Období realizace: 01.10.24 - 30.09.27
Pracoviště: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Výzkumné centrum FEI
Hlavní řešitel: Filip Aleš
Spoluřešitelé: Němec Zdeněk | Zálabský Tomáš
VICE4RAIL aims to accelerate the adoption of EGNSS for deploying efficient, resilient, and competitive ERTMS solutions. Focus is on the development of a certification and standardization process for the use of EGNSS, closing the gaps for rail safety critical applications to converging towards a pan-European EGNSS-based solution for the ERTMS and its evolution. The starting point is the utilization of the EGNOS V2 and the virtualisation of balises ? as indicated by the European Parliament directive on July 2021 ? opening the way for further applications based on the absolute train positioning and the EGNOS V3. Two major developments will be undertaken: identification of suitable certification procedures compliant with the CENELEC norms and realization of a Hybrid Virtualized Testing Certification Environment based on the zero-on-site testing paradigm with the construction of a dedicated testing facility on the railways line of RFI where generic GNSS based multisensory positioning devices can be evaluated in an operational scenario. This unique testing environment will be connected with the ERTMS certified laboratory CEDEX to assessing the end-to-end performance of the ERTMS chain with GNSS-based positioning devices in operational scenarios. The behaviour of GNSS signals including faults that are very rare and difficult to detect on field but impact on the safety can be evaluated avoiding extensive and not exhaustive field tests. VICE4RAIL will exploit the synergies with the Pilot Line Novara ? Rho funded by RFI to integrate the ERTMS with GNSS positioning and the GATE4Rail project, funded by Shift2Rail, that introduced the zero-on-field virtual testing for GNSS. Furthermore, thanks to SNCF, CEDEX, RFI and SOGEI a liaison will be established with the Europe Rail R2DATO project to complement their on-going activities and sharing results and assets, and with the RTCM SC 134 Special Committee that is completing the standardization process for GNSS receivers for rail.ICE4RAIL aims to accelerate the adoption of EGNSS for deploying efficient, resilient, and competitive ERTMS solutions. Focus is on the development of a certification and standardization process for the use of EGNSS, closing the gaps for rail safety critical applications to converging towards a pan-European EGNSS-based solution for the ERTMS and its evolution. The starting point is the utilization of the EGNOS V2 and the virtualisation of balises ? as indicated by the European Parliament directive on July 2021 ? opening the way for further applications based on the absolute train positioning and the EGNOS V3. Two major developments will be undertaken: identification of suitable certification procedures compliant with the CENELEC norms and realization of a Hybrid Virtualized Testing Certification Environment based on the zero-on-site testing paradigm with the construction of a dedicated testing facility on the railways line of RFI where generic GNSS based multisensory positioning devices can be evaluated in an operational scenario. This unique testing environment will be connected with the ERTMS certified laboratory CEDEX to assessing the end-to-end performance of the ERTMS chain with GNSS-based positioning devices in operational scenarios. The behaviour of GNSS signals including faults that are very rare and difficult to detect on field but impact on the safety can be evaluated avoiding extensive and not exhaustive field tests. VICE4RAIL will exploit the synergies with the Pilot Line Novara ? Rho funded by RFI to integrate the ERTMS with GNSS positioning and the GATE4Rail project, funded by Shift2Rail, that introduced the zero-on-field virtual testing for GNSS. Furthermore, thanks to SNCF, CEDEX, RFI and SOGEI a liaison will be established with the Europe Rail R2DATO project to complement their on-going activities and sharing results and assets, and with the RTCM SC 134 Special Committee that is completing the standardization process for GNSS receivers for rail.