Publikováno: 16.10.2017
Ve čtvrtek 19.10.2017 se bude konat přednáška pana Amita Kumara Mishry.
Čas: 12:30 -14:30
Místnost: SEM 301
Témata přednášky:
1- “Communication based sensing (CommSense)”
Every telecommunication device performs channel equalisation based on the pilot signal sent by the transmitter. This block can also be used to know about the channel. In this work we have built systems using both GSM and LTE telecommunication systems to make commensal radars to sense the immediate environment.
2- “Machine Learning in Radar”
Machine learning as an area has been getting a lot of lime-light of late. However, radar engineers have been using machine learning in radar signal processing for decades. This talk will focus on what has changed in the last five years and what can be achieved using the new-age machine learning algorithms.
19. Říjen 2017 - 10:30 - 23. Říjen 2017 - 18:00
Místo konání:
SEM 301
Kontaktní osoba:
Klára Schejbalová