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Přihlášení pro studenty

Přihlášení pro zaměstnance


What will we teach you?

In the field of communications and radars you will gain unique knowledge in the areas of aircraft and other types of object detection and tracking. With this information, you will be able to  design communication and location systems and their components. You will get familiar with the principles of localization using satellite and ground-based navigation systems. You will be verifying your knowledge with modern laboratory equipment which is used by technological companies during their systems development and analysis. During your study you will meet many  experts with a practical background, and you will have an opportunity to choose the topic of your diploma thesis in cooperation with a company, or according to your involvement in research projects.

What will you become?

The study will offer you a wide range of opportunities in the field of safety and sensor technology with the emphasis on application in communication and radar systems. The acquired expertise will open the door to employment in technological companies oriented on communication technology development or the area of object locating/tracking.