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High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation - HELMET

Provider: Evropská unie
Programme: H2020 - Kolaborativní projekty
Implementation period: 02.01.20 - 01.01.23
Workplace: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Výzkumné centrum FEI
Investigator: Filip Aleš
Team member: Holík Filip | Němec Zdeněk | Zálabský Tomáš
The project proposal HELMET is focused on use of EGNSS ( EGNOS a Galileo) with the intention to provide high-accuracy and high-safety integrity vehicle position determination services for ecological and safe mobility. The main objective is to develop a multimodal integrity monitoring layer based on GNSS and other sensors with exploitation in the field of railway signalling and train control, self-driving/ autonomous cars, drones, etc. A proof of the concept by means of lab and field tests is included in the project as well. The synergic effect between different modes of land transport will be utilised in the project. It is expected that the project's results will be applied in the preparation of international standards, for example within the RTCM SC-134. See more information