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Ing. Pavel Rozsíval

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  • 466 037 076
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    Department of Electronics and Radio Systems (60120)

    senior lecturer
  • Konzultační hodiny
    Thursday: 14:00-15:00
    Úřední hodiny
    Thursday: 14:00-15:00
  • Teaching
  • Professional profile
  • Publications
  • Projects


FEI/PROJ1 (2024) G - - -
FEI/PROJ2 (2024) G - - -
KAM/BPRAE (2024) - PR CV -
KAM/KPRAE (2024) - - - SE
KERS/BAMIK (2024) - PR CV -
KERS/BAMI1 (2024) - PR CV SE
KERS/BTEDE (2024) G - - -
KERS/IKEZE (2024) G - - -
KERS/IMPEE (2024) G - - -
KERS/IPJCE (2024) G - - -
KERS/IPPRE (2024) G - - -
KERS/IPRLE (2024) G - - -
KERS/ISAME (2024) G - - -
KERS/KAMIK (2024) G - - SE
KERS/KKEZA (2024) G - - SE
KERS/KMPEE (2024) G - - SE
KERS/KTEDE (2024) G - - -



Education and academic qualifications

Process control
University of Pardubice

Job overview

Od (rok)
University of Pardubice


REJFEK, L. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - ZÁLABSKÝ, T. - NGUYEN, T. - TRAN, P. - STEJSKAL, V. Resistance of the radio modems against the narrow band interference. In 33rd International Conference Radioelektronika, Radioelektronika 2023. New York: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023. s. 233_366 s. ISBN 979-8-3503-9834-2.
ROZSÍVALOVÁ, V. - DOLEŽEL, P. - ŠTURSA, D. - ROZSÍVAL, P. Sequence of U-Shaped Convolutional Networks for Assessment of Degree of Delamination Around Scribe International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2022, vol. 15, no. 1, s. nestránkováno. ISSN: 1875-6891.
ZHANG, B. - ZIMA, V. - MIKYSEK, T. - PODZEMNÁ, V. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - WÁGNER, T. Multilevel resistive switching in Cu and Ag doped CBRAM device Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, vol. 29, no. 19, s. 16836–16841. ISSN: 0957-4522.
DOLEŽEL, P. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - ROZSÍVALOVÁ, V. - TVRDÍK, J. Automatized Approach to Assessment of Degree of Delamination around a Scribe. In Intelligent Systems and Applications. IntelliSys 2018. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. s. 227-236 s. ISBN 978-3-030-01053-9.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - WÁGNER, T. - ZHANG, B. Software pro spínání paměťových buněk na bázi tenkých vrstev. 2018,
BODNÁR, M. - OZAŇÁK, P. - BARIOVÁ, M. - HÁNA, K. - HON, Z. - KUČERA, L. - VESELÝ, T. - BAJER, M. - MOTÁŇ, V. - MALÍK, P. - DOBROVOLNÝ, M. - NĚMEC, Z. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - BLECHA, T. - ČENGERY, J. - KAŠPAR, P. Systém monitorování a detekce. Praha. Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví 30 577,
ROZSÍVAL, P. Vývoj systému pro bezdrátový sběr dat. Neuveden. 21 s.
REJFEK, L. - MOŠNA, Z. - BERAN, L. - CHMELAŘ, P. - CHMELAŘOVÁ, N. - DOBROVOLNÝ, M. - ROZSÍVAL, P. Comparison of Digisonde and CDSS measurement for the monitoring of the existence of the Ionospheric communication channel International Journal of Advanced and Applied Science, 2016, vol. 2, no. 12, s. 67-71. ISSN: 2313-626X.
DOLEŽEL, P. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - MARIŠKA, M. European Starling Detection in Agricultural Areas Using Multilayer Artificial Neural Network. In Proceedings of 25th International Conference Radioelektronika, RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2015. New York: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2015. s. 471-474 s. ISBN 978-1-4799-8117-5.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - DOLEŽEL, P. Ultrazvukové komunikační zařízení. CZ: Univerzita Pardubice.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - DOLEŽEL, P. Systém pro hodnocení míry degradace nátěrů. Neuveden. 47 s.
DOLEŽEL, P. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - MARIŠKA, M. Piecewise-linear Neural Network: a Tool for Modeling of the Processes to Be Controlled. In Proceedings 2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence. New York: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2014. s. 425-430 s. ISBN 978-1-4799-3009-8.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - DOLEŽEL, P. 6-osý inerciální sensor se zvýšenou odolností proti šumu a plovoucímu offsetu čidel.. CZ: Univerzita Pardubice.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - PIDANIČ, J. - DOLEŽEL, P. - BEZOUŠEK, P. Train safety improvements using microwave networks. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Wireless Networks. Athens: CSREA Press, 2013. s. 301-308 s. ISBN 1-60132-250-X.
DOLEŽEL, P. - ROZSÍVAL, P. - MARIŠKA, M. - HAVLÍČEK, L. PID Controller Design for Nonlinear Oscillative Plants Using Piecewise Linear Neural Network. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Process Control, PC 2013. Bratislava: Slovenská technická univezita v Bratislave, 2013. s. 19-24 s. ISBN 978-1-4799-0927-8.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - BEZOUŠEK, P. RFID pro rychle se pohybující vozy. CZ: Univerzita Pardubice.
DUŠEK, F. - HONC, D. - ROZSÍVAL, P. Mathematical model of differentially steered mobile robot. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Process Control. Bratislava: Slovenská technická univezita v Bratislave, 2011. s. 221-229 s. ISBN 978-80-227-3517-9.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - BEZOUŠEK, P. Zařízení pro identifikaci objektů pohybujících se vysokou rychlostí. CZ: Univerzita Pardubice.
ROZSÍVAL, P. - DOLEŽEL, P. Levitace v proudu vzduchu - nelineární dynamický systém. CZ: Univerzita Pardubice.
SEDLÁČKOVÁ, A. - PELLANT, A. - MEJZLÍK, J. - ROZSÍVAL, P. Metodika měření podtlaku ve sběrných láhvích Redonovy drenáže Kontakt, 2010, vol. 12, no. 4, s. 500-503. ISSN: 1212-4117.
ROZSÍVAL, P. .NET interface pro otevřený řídící systém INTEK M650S. 2010,
ROZSÍVAL, P. Synchronization in Networks. In Proceedings the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2008. s. 91 s. ISBN 978-80-7395-077-4.
ROZSÍVAL, P. Sensor Networks. In Proceedings the 8th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2008. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2008. s. 162 s. ISBN 978-80-7395-077-4.


Multi-sector and Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Research and Development of Communication, Information and Detection Technologies for Control and Signalling Systems (CIDET)
01.04.24 - 30.11.28
Programme: Programme Johannes Amos Comenius - research
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Research and development of the next generation of FareOn NextGen intelligent system
01.05.21 - 31.05.23
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Practical approach to recent methods of modeling, networking and database systems and web applications
01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Non-volatile memory based on resistive switching in thin films of chalcogenides
01.07.17 - 30.11.19
Programme: Programme of applied research, experimental development and innovations GAMA
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Innovation of KMT department laboratory classes ? processor application and robotics
01.01.16 - 31.12.16
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Problematics of robotics navigation research and study of weather impact on transmission systems
01.01.15 - 31.12.15
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Innovation of KMT department laboratory classes ? Robotics and processor application
01.01.15 - 31.12.15
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Research of robotic navigation problematic and automatic space mapping
01.01.14 - 31.12.14
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

01.01.13 - 31.12.13
Programme: HEDF - B a)
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Innovation of bachelor STUDY programs at the Faculty of Eletrical Engineering and Informatics of the University of Pardubice by improving the language skills of the FEI employees on the basis of implementing study supports in English into the teaching
01.03.12 - 28.02.15
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

LEARN (Enhancement of quality of education by innovative bachelor study programmes at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics on the basis ofimplementing study supports into the teaching)
01.10.10 - 30.09.13
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

01.01.10 - 31.12.10
Programme: HEDF - F1 a)
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

01.01.07 - 31.12.07
Programme: Priority No. 3
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

01.01.07 - 31.12.07
Programme: Priority No. 4
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator