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Conditions for deploying train locators based on GNSS systems on the railway network

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: BETA - Program veřejných zakázek ve výzkumu, experimentálním vývoji a inovacích pro potřeby státní správy
Implementation period: 01.08.19 - 30.04.22
Workplace: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Výzkumné centrum FEI
Investigator: Filip Aleš
Team member: Němec Zdeněk | Pidanič Jan | Juryca Karel
The main objective is to create conditions for the implementation of GNSS systems on the Czech railway network on the basis of real verification, in particular: 1. Examining the influence of the railway environment (technical aspect) in order to verify the conditions and requirements for deploying systems for the safe localization of trains using the GNSS satellite navigation systems ; 2. Create a procedure for testing the quality of reception and the degree of GNSS signal interference on the Czech railway network; taking into account the related legislative aspects, incl. international element.