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Software simulation support for determining capacity of railway stations infrastructure

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: ZÉTA - Program na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu
Implementation period: 01.06.19 - 31.05.21
Workplace: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Katedra softwarových technologií
Investigator: Diviš Roman
Team member: Kavička Antonín | Nedvědová Marie
The aim of the project is to create software tool (rail traffic simulator) to support the determination of railway infrastructure capacity. Method for determining the capacity will be based on an experimental approach using computer simulation methods. The aim is to obtain qualitative indicators (e.g. mean train delays, probability of waiting, length of queue, ...) informing about the operating situation under stochastic conditions and the interaction of trains at the railway station, unlike the quantitative indicators commonly provided by analytical and graphical-analytical methodologies. The simulator will provide support for performing of stochastic simulations, and the resulting information about capacity will be presented in graphical-text form.