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Smart system for automatized welding quality control

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: Program aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací GAMA
Implementation period: 01.07.17 - 30.11.19
Workplace: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Katedra řízení procesů
Investigator: Doležel Petr
Team member: Honc Daniel
The aim of the project is to develop and subsequently to commercialize devices for the visual evaluation of the quality of welds in production. The issue of welds quality testing is a highly topical issue due to the extensive representation of welding operation for creating permanent joints in industrial production. Currently, the visual inspection of the quality of welds is performed by the operator or automated quality control systems tailored to meet the specific production process are implemented. The proposed solution will be unique in the implementation of special soft computing methods leading that the solution will adapt to the current conditions in production. With this proposal, the sensitivity of the device to changes in conditions (light conditions, position and orientation of inspected products, ...) will be greatly reduced and also application on different types of production will be facilitated. The device will be possible to use for different types of welds and it will be sufficiently effective for evaluation of weld quality in real time as well.