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Automatic routing of traffic flow on the most economical routes and optimalization of traffic loads of transportation routes

Provider: Technologická agentura České republiky
Programme: Udržitelný rozvoj dopravy
Implementation period: 01.01.11 - 31.12.13
Workplace: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Katedra elektroniky a rádiových syst
Investigator: Němec Zdeněk
Team member: Čegan Lukáš
Aim of the project is to prepare a tool for preventing traffic congestions. Moreover, for support of this tool develop a special collecting device for vehicles. It would collect not only data for fleet-management but also data about trips and routes driven and simultaneously this device would be ready for future connection of a communication display which would be able to operate an "intelligent navigation". That meansthe navigation would choose the most economic route using a "national informative map about roud traffic". The flashing-point of this project will be development of own display and necesary applications that would support collection and displaying of available data, navigation and acquiring another data for driver.